The supplier record drives everything else that happens in BUY.IU, from order placement to invoice payment. This page contains guidance on locating specific information on a supplier's record.
General Supplier Information
- Did you Find the Right Supplier?: Learn where to look on a supplier profile to verify you’ve found the supplier you need.
- Locate a BUY.IU Supplier ID Number: Learn how to find the supplier ID number, or “p” number, on the supplier profile.
- Locate a Jaggaer Indirect Supplier ID Number: Learn what a Jaggaer Indirect Supplier ID (JID) number is and where to find it on the supplier profile.
Payment Information
- Locating a Supplier's Payment Method: Use an IUIE lookup to determine if the supplier will be paid via ACH/direct deposit or Wire Transfer.
- View Supplier Payment Addresses: A fulfillment center drives where the order and the payments associated with that order are sent.
- Locating a Supplier's Preferred Currency: Orders involving suppliers who have elected to be paid in a non-US currency require special setup. Locate the supplier's preferred currency to determine if currency conversion is needed.
- Foreign Currency Supplier FAQ: Answers to common questions involving foreign currency suppliers.