All system-generated documents require review by a Fiscal Officer (FO) or their delegate before the document can reach final or completed status. To help distribute the workload, Fiscal Officers may designate Account Delegates who are assigned via one of the KFS documents described below.
- Account Delegate: Add, delete, or edit an existing delegate on a specific account.
- Account Delegate Global: Replaces existing delegation. Allows you to make changes to a group of accounts at once.
Delegation is specific to an account and document type; however, it is possible to delegate authority over multiple document types in one document. Review the Document Acronyms and Hierarchy page for details.
Delegates for KFS, Emburse Enterprise, and BUY.IU are maintained in KFS.
Click on a system name below to learn more about delegate considerations for that system.
KFS Delegates
The following qualities are unique to KFS document delegates:
- Can take any action that is available to a FO for their respective accounts.
- Can be limited to only review documents transacting a specified dollar amount.
- Can be designated as a primary or secondary delegate. Accounts can only have one primary delegate per document type but as many secondary delegates as desired.
The table below differentiates between primary and secondary delegates and when they should be used.
Primary | Secondary |
Used when an FO wants another user to approve documents on their behalf as part of a normal business process. | A backup approver. Used when the FO and/or primary delegate are unavailable to act. |
Documents appear in the Action List by default and do not appear in the FO’s action list. FO must filter Action List to view and act on documents. | Documents do not appear in the Action List by default. Must filter Action List by document type to view and act on documents. |
BUY.IU Delegates
When it comes to document approval permissions, BUY.IU does not differentiate between the Fiscal Officer and primary or secondary delegates.
Delegates with either of these roles have equal approval, rejection, and editing abilities as the Fiscal Officer and will receive the same system notifications.
Emburse Enterprise Delegates
Emburse Enterprise does not allow for delegates in the traditional sense. Only one individual may be designated as an approver at a time.
Established approvers may designate vacation approvers within Emburse Enterprise itself if they will be out of the office for a short, defined period. Visit the Vacation Approvers in Emburse Enterprise page to learn more.