Individuals or businesses receiving a refund or reimbursement are not required to complete the supplier registration process. Refunds and reimbursements are issued as physical checks.
Check request forms that require use of this form:
- Refund/Repayment to Individual or Agency
- Reimbursement for Supplier Out of Pocket Expense
In BUY.IU, open the Supplier module in the left-hand menu, then select Requests, followed by Request New Supplier.
Select One-Time Refund and Reimbursement Supplier from the drop-down menu and enter the supplier’s legal name in the Supplier name field.
Click Submit to access the form.
Review the Instructions and click Next.
Complete the Business Purpose section of the form. Fields marked with a star are required.
If the supplier’s country of residence is outside the United States, select the check box next to “true” under Foreign Supplier.
The Country of Origin field refers to the country where the supplier is taxed. This field must be completed regardless of whether the person is a US or non-US person.
Scroll down the page to the Company or Individual Address section.
Select “Fulfillment” from the Address Type drop-down menu. Enter the word “Fulfillment” in the Name field.
Enter the supplier’s physical address information in the appropriate fields.
Scroll down the page to the Payment Address section.
Select “Remittance” from the Address Type drop-down menu. Enter the word “Remit” in the Name field.
Enter the address where the supplier’s refund or reimbursement should be sent in the appropriate fields. This may be the same as their physical address but must be entered again.
Finally, enter any additional comments for the Supplier Data Management (SDM) team in the text field at the end of the form. The following are examples of helpful comments for SDM:
- Alternate names, referred to as "Doing Business As" or "DBA," including preferred names for transitioning individuals.
- Notating if the supplier has requested payment via ACH/direct deposit or wire transfer (rare).
Click Next.
The next page displays your contact information. SDM will use this information to contact you with any questions they may have. Click Next.
Check the box next to the attestation statement in the Certification section then click Complete Request.
You will receive an email notification when your request has been reviewed and approved.