When you have questions about booking or managing travel in Egencia, their customer service center can assist via chat, email, and phone. These resources can be accessed in the Egencia Help Center. Be aware that engaging with an agent, whether by phone, mobile app, chat, or email and the interaction results in a transaction, you will incur an agent-assisted service charge.
To find the Help Center in the Egencia online booking tool, click the Help link at the top of Egencia’s home page. Scroll to the bottom of the sidebar on the righthand side and select Chat or Contact us.
In this example, we selected Contact us. Three contact methods appear. Select the one you want to pursue (chat, call, or email) and contact information or prompts will appear.
On the Egencia mobile app, from the home screen, tap the question mark in the upper right-hand corner. Then, follow the prompts to select the type of service you want to receive.
Egencia customer service are excellent at providing guidance on using the Egencia booking tool. Questions about IU travel policy? Contact Travel Management Services by submitting a Travel Support Form.