Jaggaer is an international corporation that provides procurement systems to a wide range of companies and higher education institutions. Their system of supplier accounts is referred to as the Jaggaer Network. BUY.IU is a platform built, designed, and owned by Jaggaer for IU.
This relationship is visualized in the graphic to the left. At the center is the Jaggaer Network. This acts as the foundation for all the supported school networks such as IU, Harvard, Texas A&M, and more.
Supplier data from each of these schools is ultimately stored in the Jaggaer Network. However, that supplier’s information is not readily available to other network schools. For example, a supplier registered with Rutgers would still need to complete IU’s registration process. This same supplier has a Jaggaer ID number as well as an ID number in each organization they’ve registered with.
Why is this distinction important?
Suppliers new to working with IU may already be affiliated with another Jaggaer Network-supported entity. These suppliers are classified as ‘out-of-network’ and must complete IU’s onboarding process to be a fully registered supplier with IU. In these situations, a Supplier Edit Request form should be used to notify Supplier Data Management (SDM) that they need to be invited.
So how do you perform a thorough search and make sure you know what you need to do? In BUY.IU, perform your initial search in the supplier module. If you do not find the supplier you’re looking for, select Relationship at the top of the search results and select All.
Your search results refresh to return out of network suppliers that meet your same search results. If you find the supplier this time, click on the supplier’s name to locate their 10-digit Jaggaer ID number. Navigate to the Summary section to find it.
Include this 10-digit number on your Supplier Edit Request form. SDM will use this number to invite the supplier to complete IU’s supplier registration process.
Questions? Contact SDM by submitting a Support Form.