Indiana University’s commitment to supplier diversity isn’t new. In fact, it’s an initiative that includes a near half century-long collaboration with non-profit Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council (Mid-States MSDC).
This regional organization serves as a bridge between minority-owned businesses and major corporations in Central Illinois, Indiana, and Eastern Missouri. Mid-States MSDC certifies minority-owned businesses as Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), helps expand their existing capabilities, and bolsters economic growth by facilitating opportunities and collaborations between MBEs and corporations. As these minority-owned businesses develop their skills and reach with the help of Mid-States MSDC, they’re able to grow, provide hiring opportunities, and help those in their communities build better lives.
Throughout this partnership, IU staff, both academic and administrative, have held multiple positions on the Mid-States MSDC Board of Directors. Additionally, IU dollars have funded two Economic Impact studies, one in 2019, and one in 2022. These two Economic Impact studies showcase, at the regional level, how initiatives to promote and increase supplier diversity have affected the local economy.
This partnership between IU and Mid-States MSDC continues to grow and strengthen, leading to the development of new programs and opportunities for minority-owned businesses such as the Accelerate 100+ programs and Kelley Enterprise Corps. Together, with a growing number of organizations and corporations, IU is helping spearhead the push for increased diverse supplier spend, understanding the immense, positive impact it has on our community, economy, and university mission.
Learn more about Mid-States MSDC’s work through their website and look for a future article expanding on the Accelerate 100+ and Kelley Enterprise Corps programs.