FIN-PURCH-02 states that University faculty and staff, with few exceptions, will purchase goods and services through contracts established by Purchasing to consolidate the University’s spend volume. This affords the Purchasing department the ability to leverage the size and scope of the University to obtain greater discounts, better service, and additional value-add.
In this age of e-commerce, it may be possible to find a discount on a particular supply or service that competes with an existing contract however, there are several administrative costs and potential compliance issues that need to be considered. Examples include data security, shipping fees, and negotiated payment methods. What may appear to be a savings on the front end can lead to increased overhead costs, resulting in a loss to the University. A small savings for one item doesn’t compare to the overall savings the University receives through our negotiated contracts. Buying outside of established contracts also weakens the University’s bargaining position for future negotiations.
If you see something that competes with a contracted supplier and appears to be significant, or have questions about this policy, do not hesitate to reach out to Purchasing via the Support Form.