BUY.IU does not accept decimal quantities, either on requisitions or invoices, per IU’s setup. If you need to place an order which involves partial quantities, enter it as a recurring order. Let’s look at an example.
We hire a translator to translate a text and agree to compensate the individual $20 per hour. The translator estimates the translation will require 10.5 hours of work.
We'll use a non-catalog item order in this situation. When entering the order details, enter a quantity of 1 followed by the total amount due to the translator, in this case $210.00 (10.5 hours multiplied by $20 per hour).
In the requisition, visit the Recurring Payments section to enter recurring order details. Click the pencil icon in the upper right hand corner to edit.
Check the box next to Recurring Payment? and complete the remaining fields using the estimated beginning and ending dates of the service being performed. Save your changes.
The supplier may submit invoices containing partial quantities. Review the Decimal Invoice Processing article for additional details.
Questions? Contact the AP team using the Support Form or log a comment on an existing BUY.IU invoice and add the email recipient “”.