Invoice documents are used to review, approve, and ultimately issue payment to suppliers.
After clicking Add Filter on the search screen, enter the Filter Name and select the filter to apply it.
Filter Name | Description |
Account-SubAccount | The KFS account number(s) used to fund the purchase. |
Approved By | This field allows you to search by document approver. |
Department | The department associated with the person who submitted the order. |
Supplier | The external entity from which goods or services were requested/purchased. |
Obj Code | The KFS object code used in the Accounting Codes section. |
Org | Returns documents funded by accounts within the chart and org you specify. A way to review activity by a department without entering multiple account numbers. |
Org Ref Id | Added in the Accounting Codes section when entering the requisition. Defined by the department. |
Project Code | Code established in KFS and added to the Accounting Codes section when entering the requisition. |
Current Workflow Step | Locate documents in a specific workflow step, such as FO Approval. |
Due Date | The date by which payment will be issued. Locate payments which will be made within a timeframe you define. |
Paid Date | The date payment was made. Locate payments made within a timeframe you define. |
Invoice Owner | Carried forward from the purchase order. The individual who receives notifications about the invoice. |
Invoice Source | Identify invoices by how they were generated in BUY.IU, such as Digital Mailroom Import, Supplier Portal, etc. |
Invoice Status | Filters documents by workflow status. Pending documents are enroute and collecting approval(s), Completed documents have finished routing. |
Mismatch Reasons | Locate invoices which routed to the Matching Exceptions workflow stop for a specific reason, such as No Receipt, Over Price, etc. |
Pay Status | Payments associated with invoices with a Pay Status of Payable have not yet been made but will be made by the due date. A Pay Status of Paid represents a payment which has been issued. |